Jan Hoff og Jan Helgerud med kollegaer har publisert over 150 forskningsartikler innen treningsfysiologi med fokus på energiomsetning, utholdenhetstrening, kraftutvikling og styrketrening. Studiene har inkludert deltagere både med og uten sykdommer/skader, yngre og eldre og idrettsutøvere.
- Stroke volume response during prolonged exercise depends on left ventricular filling: Evidence from a beta-blockade study
FG Laginestra, OK Berg, SK Nyberg, M Venturelli, E Wang, J Helgerud American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative. 2023
- Effect of aerobic exercise intensity on health-related quality of life in severe obesity: a randomized controlled trial
J Berge, J Hjelmesæth, RL Kolotkin, Ø Støren, S Bratland-Sanda,..Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 20 (1), 1-10. 2022
- Prediction of vo2max from submaximal exercise using the smartphone application myworkout go: Validation study of a digital health method J Helgerud, H Haglo, J Hoff. JMIR cardio 6 (2), e38570. 2022
- Maximal strength training in patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease: implications for physical function and quality of life H Haglo, OK Berg, J Hoff, J Helgerud, E Wang. European Journal of Applied Physiology 122 (7), 1671-1681. 2022
- Smartphone-assisted high-intensity interval training in inflammatory rheumatic disease patients: randomized controlled trial H Haglo, E Wang, OK Berg, J Hoff, J Helgerud. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (10), e28124. 2021
- Responses to maximal strength training in different age and gender groups HT Kittilsen, S Goleva-Fjellet, BI Freberg, I Nicolaisen, EM Støa, ...Frontiers in physiology 12, 47. 2021
- Effect of aerobic exercise intensity on energy expenditure and weight loss in severe obesity—a randomized controlled trial J Berge, J Hjelmesæth, JK Hertel, E Gjevestad, MC Småstuen, ...Obesity 29 (2), 359-369. 2021
- Maximal strength training in patients with Parkinson’s disease: impact on efferent neural drive, force-generating capacity, and functional performance J Helgerud, SN Thomsen, J Hoff, A Strandbråten, G Leivseth, R Unhjem,..Journal of Applied Physiology 129 (4), 683-690. 2020
- Arm Cycling Combined with Passive Leg Cycling Enhances VO2peak in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury Above the Sixth Thoracic Vertebra
T Tørhaug, B Brurok, J Hoff, J Helgerud, G LeivsethTopics in spinal cord injury rehabilitation 24 (1), 86-95. 2018
- Impact of maximal strength training on work efficiency and muscle fiber type in the elderly: Implications for physical function and fall prevention E Wang, SK Nyberg, J Hoff, J Zhao, G Leivseth, T Tørhaug, OS Husby, Experimental gerontology 91, 64-71. 2017
- High-intensity aerobic interval training improves aerobic fitness and HbA1c among persons diagnosed with type 2 diabetes EM Støa, S Meling, LK Nyhus, G Strømstad, KM Mangerud, J Helgerud, European journal of applied physiology 117, 455-467. 2017.
- The effect of age on the V˙ O2max response to high-intensity interval training Ø Støren, J Helgerud, M Sæbø, EM Støa, S Bratland-Sanda, RJ Unhjem, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 49 (1), 78-85. 2017
- Arm crank and wheelchair ergometry produce similar peak oxygen uptake but different work economy values in individuals with spinal cord injury T Tørhaug, B Brurok, J Hoff, J Helgerud, G Leivseth. BioMed Research International 2016
- The effect from maximal bench press strength training on work economy during wheelchair propulsion in men with spinal cord injury T Tørhaug, B Brurok, J Hoff, J Helgerud, G Leivseth
Spinal Cord 54 (10), 838-842. 2016
- The effect of physical activity on passive leg movement-induced vasodilation with age HJ Groot, MJ Rossman, RS Garten, E Wang, J Hoff, J Helgerud, Medicine and science in sports and exercise 48 (8), 1548. 2016
- Exercise-training-induced changes in metabolic capacity with age: the role of central cardiovascular plasticity
E Wang, MS Næss, J Hoff, TL Albert, Q Pham, RS Richardson, J Helgerud Age 36, 665-676. 2014
- Structural brain changes after 4 wk of unilateral strength training of the lower limb HS Palmer, AK Håberg, MS Fimland, GM Solstad, V Moe Iversen, J Hoff, ..Journal of Applied Physiology 115 (2), 167-175. 2013
- Maximal strength training improves work economy, rate of force development and maximal strength more than conventional strength training J Heggelund, MS Fimland, J Helgerud, J Hoff. European journal of applied physiology 113, 1565-1573. 2013
- Maximal Strength Training Enhances Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Patients TI Gjellesvik, TR Hill, PMR Moen, T Torhaug, MS Fimland, J Helgerud, .Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 44, 292-292. 2012
- Concurrent strength and endurance training improves physical capacity in patients with peripheral arterial disease MP Mosti, E Wang, ØN Wiggen, J Helgerud, J Hoff. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 21 (6), e308-e314. 2011
- Interval and strength training in CAD patients J Helgerud, T Karlsen, WY Kim, KL Høydal, A Støylen, H Pedersen, L Brix, ..International journal of sports medicine, 54-59. 2010
- Maximal strength training improves walking performance in peripheral arterial disease patients E Wang, J Helgerud, H Loe, K Indseth, N Kaehler, J Hoff. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 20 (5), 764-770. 2010
- Enhanced neural drive after maximal strength training in multiple sclerosis patients MS Fimland, J Helgerud, M Gruber, G Leivseth, J Hoff. European journal of applied physiology 110, 435-443. 2010
- Early postoperative maximal strength training improves work efficiency 6–12 months after osteoarthritis-induced total hip arthroplasty in patients younger than 60 years VS Husby, J Helgerud, S Bjørgen, OS Husby, P Benum, J Hoff. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 89 (4), 304-314. 2010
- Aerobic high intensity one-legged interval cycling improves peak oxygen uptake in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients; no additional effect from hyperoxia. S Bjørgen, J Helgerud, V Husby, S Steinshamn, RR Richadson, J Hoff International journal of sports medicine, 872-878. 2009
- Maximal strength training restores walking mechanical effeciency in heart patients T Karlsen, J Helgerud, A Støylen, N Lauritsen, J Hoff. International journal of sports medicine, 337-342. 2009
- Aerobic high-intensity intervals improve V˙ O2max more than moderate training J Helgerud, K Høydal, E Wang, T Karlsen, P Berg, M Bjerkaas, ..Medicine & science in sports & exercise 39 (4), 665-671. 2007
- Maximal strength training of the legs in COPD: a therapy for mechanical inefficiency J Hoff, AE Tjønna, S Steinshamn, M Høydal, RS Richardson, J Helgerud. Medicine & Science in sports & exercise 39 (2), 220-226. 2007
- Effects of high-intensity endurance training on maximal oxygen consumption in healthy elderly people
H Østerås, J Hoff, J Helgerud. Journal of applied gerontology 24 (5), 377-387. 2005
- Effective training for patients with intermittent claudication
SA Slørdahl, E Wang, J Hoff, OJ Kemi, BH Amundsen, J Helgerud Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 39 (4), 244-249. 2005
- High intensity aerobic interval exercise is superior to moderate intensity exercise for increasing aerobic capacity in patients with coronary artery disease Ø Rognmo, E Hetland, J Helgerud, J Hoff, SA Slørdahl. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 11 (3), 216-222. 2004